Remember the times when you keep having to check to see if your taxi has turned up outside?
Well look no more…
Girlington Taxis now has the latest technology fitted as standard in all cars.
All our driver will do, is press a button inside his vehicle. Once pressed, the onboard computer system in the car will ring the phone number you called us from, giving you 2 rings. So all you have to do is wait for the call, and your taxi will be waiting outside. SIMPLE.
And if you booked your taxi using your mobile phone, a telephone number will appear on your screen as an incoming call. It’s a good idea to store this number in your phonebook under the name of TAXI OUTSIDE so you will always know when we are outside.

Here’s the number for you to store 01274 549828.
Remember, this number cannot be used to book your taxis.

We ensure you get to your appointment on time every time
We have invested in the latest in automated dispatch software to provide our customers with the very best of service

Prestige Vehicles
Prestige vehicles for your important clients and staff members
Recent model vehicles available with smart professional drivers

Aiport and station transfers are a royal cars speciality
Why not use our meet and greet service to let us know what you think.